Sunday, March 2, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #18 "THE END OF SPIDER-MAN!" (November, 1964)


If you're just joining us, Spidey was seen running away from a fight last ish. You and I know that it was because Aunt May had fallen ill again. Unfortunately, everyone in town (thanks to JJJ) thinks that Spider-Man is a coward!
So Aunt May's sick, and Peter is worried that if anything happens to him, no one will be left to take care of her. This means that he avoids a fight with Sandman and ends up looking even worse in the eyes of the public, not to mention the Human Torch!
Finally Aunt May ends up being the one who snaps Pete out of it, reminding him that she's not at death's door, and he needs to go live his life.

  • Both Peter and the omniscient narrator refer to Anna Watson, as Anna Watkins


Written by: Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Sam Rosen

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