Thursday, March 6, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #26 "THE MAN IN The CRIME-MASTER'S MASK!" (July, 1965)


The Crime-Master is planning to take over the rackets. One might wonder why he calls himself "The Crime-Master" when he hasn't actually committed any crimes...but who am I to quibble? The Green Goblin shows up too and he demands to run the mob. If you're thinking that he already did that, you'd be right. It was in issue #23. Anyway, he manages to knock out our intrepid hero and there's a cliff-hanger ending of the goblin presenting the mob with the unconscious body of Spider-Man!

In a vague side-story, Peter gets into a fight with Flash Thompson and when caught by the principal, accepts full responsibility.

  • We have a first sign of Flash's humanity as evidenced in the panel above


Scripted by: Stan Lee
Plotted & Drawn by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: S. Rosen

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