Friday, March 28, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #47 "IN THE HANDS OF THE HUNTER!" (April, 1967)


This ish opens with with a flashback to a scene from Kraven's last appearance (#39) where it turns out the the Green Goblin had hired him to kill Spider-Man. Why Kraven needed any additional incentive isn't clear, but they've established that he had it.

Of course unbeknownst to Kraven, the Green Goblin doesn't exist anymore. So he goes to visit the man he met with earlier as a liason for the Goblin: Norman Osborn!

Meanwhile, Flash Thompson is enjoying a good-bye party since he leaves the next day to fight in Vietnam. Kraven shows up and kidnaps Harry Osborn as ransom. Peter has to duck away for Spidey to make the scene. Spider-Man beats Kraven in spite of his new "magnetizing ray." Hooray!



A Swingin', Super-Special Spidey Saga, by: Stan Lee and John Romita
Abetted and Lettered by: Sam Rosen

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