Thursday, March 13, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #38 "JUST A GUY NAMED JOE!" (July, 1966)


If a man gets bathed in chemicals and then electrocuted a bit, would you assume he would develop super-human strength? Yer darn right he would! Joe Smith is a pretty unassuming nobody, until one day the aforementioned happens on a movie set. Boom, instant one-issue-villain. 

Spider-Man beats him, and the guy goes back to normal, gets a movie contract, and lives happily ever after. Y'know even I'm getting tired of this completely uninteresting A-stories, but fortunately the B-stories are awesome.

Norman Osborn hires every goon in the city to kill Spider-Man, offering a reward of $20,000. Harry and Flash are still picking on Peter, but Gwen sure seems to be whistling a different tune. Meanwhile, at the Bugle, Ned Leeds is back from California but he doesn't know where Betty is either!

Stay tuned frantic ones!

  • there were several other panels that I loved and wanted to show you, here I present a few choice lines from a protest on ESU's campus
Peter: Another student protest! What are they after this time?
Some Kid: Didn't you hear? They're protesting tonight's meeting!
Peter: It figgers!

Another Kid: Hey, Parker! Not so fast! We can use another man to carry a sign! C'mon, join in the protest march!
Peter: Not me! I haven't got time! Besides, I've nothing to protest about!
Third Kid: Nothing to protest about?? What are you -- some kinda religious fanatic, or somethin'?
Another Kid: What 'smatter with? Aren't you interested in saving the world?? Anyway, it's an excuse to cut classes!
Third Kid: --and maybe you'll get your picture in Newsweek!

Fourth Kid: C'mon, Parker--If you join our protest meeting, we'll join one of yours some time!
Fifth Kid: Sure! And, if you've nothing to protest, Don't worry about it! That won't stop us!
Peter:  Forget it!

Sixth Kid: Aww -- your cousin likes Lawrence Welk!
Seventh Kid: Gowan back to Squaresville you rosy-cheeked reactionary!


Written & Edited by: Stan Lee
Plotted & Drawn by: Steve Ditko
Lettered, Unfettered by: Artie Simek

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