Friday, February 29, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #17 "THE RETURN OF THE GREEN GOBLIN" (October, 1964)


Flash starts a Forest Hills chapter of a Spider-Man Fan Club! Betty wants Peter to go with her, Liz Allan wants Peter to go with her, and Aunt May has set up another date with "Mary-Jane" for our poor hero. Of course since Pete has to appear at the club meeting as Spider-Man, they'll all have to wait.
The Green Goblin also notices the club meeting and decides to pay a visit. He's armed with new and more dangerous weapons! Spidey is in the process of saving the day when he overhears that Aunt May has had another heart attack. He races off to her side, causing everyone gathered to think that he's a coward. Fortunately the Human Torch is there to drive away the Goblin.

  • The Goblin is now riding on a true Goblin opposed to the Goblin Broomstick that he sported in his last appearance
  • While Pumpkin Bombs do appear, they are simply part of a larger bag of tricks and not an essential part of his arsenal


Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: S. Rosen

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