The Green Goblin hires a bunch of thugs to hit Spidey with some gas which will dull his Spider-Senses! This enables the Goblin to follow Spider-Man home and learn his secret identity.
This is pivotal. The Green Goblin at this point, hasn't really differentiated himself as an arch-nemesis any more than any of the other villains. He's never kidnapped Aunt May, or Betty Brant like Dr. Octopus or the Sinister Six (led by Ock) have.
He is however, the first villain to learn that Spider-Man and Peter Parker are one and the same. He won't be the last to learn that, but this is the beginning for the Goblin; this is the first step down a path that separates him from simply being a member of the rogues gallery, to being the legendary arch-rival that he will eventually become.
The Green Goblin could've been another "corny costumed villain." His name is certainly dumb, he's got gimmicky weapons, and he doesn't particularly have any incredible powers. The fact that he was the first to attack Peter and not Spider-Man is significant. Obviously issue #121 (no spoilers here!) is the biggest catalyst for the epic, decade-spanning fight between our hero and villain, but even as early as issue 39--the Goblin knows that to destroy Spider-Man, he must attack every part of his life.
Another interesting thing to note is that instead of having the Goblin be some anonymous figure that we've never met, he's Harry Osborn's father! Do we really care about Max Dillon, Sergei Kravinoff, Adrian Toomes, Flint Marko (William Baker), Dmitri Smerdyakov, Mark Raxton, Herman Shultz, Mac Gargan, Otto Octavius or Aleksei Systevich?
By contrast, Norman Obsorn is an actual character in the Marvel Universe. He interacts with other characters outside of the realm of fighting with Spider-Man. He attends an elite club with JJJ, and is the father of one of Peter's classmates (and future best friend). All of this is part of what will eventually make him into the most feared name in Spiderdom.
Anyway, I'll step off my soapbox for now--Excelsior!
- The title seems like a question, but it has an exclamation point instead
- John Romita's first issue drawing Spider-Man--Ditko may have created the look, but Romita perfected it
Script by: Smilin' Stan Lee
Art by: Jazzy Johnny Romita
Inks by: Mighty Mickey Demeo
Lettering by: Adorable Artie Simek