Another year, another annual. Am I the only who thinks these are stupid, hokey, and just a way to sell a comic for 25 cents? Probably not, the stories aren't better--just more ridiculous in their story-telling. Human Torch and Spidey get tricked into fighting each other by the Wizard and Mysterio. It'd be mildly interesting if we hadn't already seen the idea of a movie set being a trap back in ish 14.
- this issue had a "surprise penciller." We find out at the end that it was Larry Lieber, although Stan neglects to mention that Larry is his younger brother.
- The continuity of when this issue is supposed to take place isn't totally clear. Aunt May is on some sort of vacation, but in ish 55, she was being treated by Dr. Bromwell. Maybe she just dashed off for a quick pick-me-up. Or maybe Stan just doesn't read his own comics?
Stan Lee - Writer
Mickey Demeo - Inker
Larry Lieber - Penciller
Jerry Feldman - Letterer
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