Peter loves Gwen! Yup, this issue is all hearts and flowers because they get married and live happily ever after. The End.
Nah, just kidding.
We've all been there, you're visiting the woman you love and her father who's been brainwashed by a mobster attacks you. I know, I know--it's happened to us all. You raise an arm merely in self-defense and you end up hurting him because of your radioactively enhanced strength.
Long story short, Gwen is heart-broken and furious at Peter. In an effort to clear things up, Pete follows Captain Stacy hoping he'll find the Kingpin, but instead sees the Captain stealing private police files. Of course, Spidey knows that it's only because George is brainwashed, so in an attempt to help him, Spidey takes photographs and gives them to the Bugle.
I guess the rationale is that by bringing attention to George, the Kingpin will have to play his hand and then Spider-Man could capture him and thus exonerate George. Sure sucks for Gwen though who has to see "photos by Peter Parker" in the newspaper the next day....CONTINUED NEXT ISH
Stan (the man) Lee/Johnny (ring-a-ding) Romita
Dashing Donnie Heck
Mighty Mickey Demeo
Swingin' Sammy Rosen
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