Saturday, April 26, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #63 "WINGS IN THE NIGHT!" (August, 1968)


I bet most of you Spider-Fans were bummed to find out that Vulture died in ish 48 even though Blackie Drago took over his mantle as "New Vulture." Fret not, turns out Adrian Toomes is alive and well.

Now if you want to make your comeback as the high-flying Vulture what would be your first move? Would you break-0ut from prison the guy who tried to replace you so that you can beat him up? Vulchy would.

Our issue closes with the original Vulture soundly beating the new one, and then turning to face Spider-Man!

  • yes, more of "Norman is gaining back his memory!"
  • also more of "I wish Peter would try to explain!" "How can I ever explain to Gwen?"
  • Check out what the Vulture thinks about copyright law in the above pic


Stan (The Man) Lee/John (Ring-A-Ding) Romita
Don (Hero) Heck
Mickey Demeo
Sam Rosen

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