Friday, February 29, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #14 "THE GROTESQUE ADVENTURE OF the GREEN GOBLIN" (July, 1964)


In a case of art imitating art....Spider-Man is going to star in a movie! That's right, in 1964 the plot of putting Spider-Man in a major motion picture had already happened. Unfortunately for our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, the Green Goblin and the Enforcers are set to guest star! While fighting them off, Spider-Man runs fist-first into The Incredible Hulk! Ultimately, nothing changes and Spidey's movie never gets made.

  • First appearance of The Green Goblin but his secret identity is still a secret, both to the public and us, the readers
  • Montana claims that "The Enforcers don't take orders from anyone!" Yet the last time we saw them, they were taking orders from The Big Man
  • Spider-Man reveals two heretofore unknown abilities: he can hold his breath for twice as long as a regular person, and the one mentioned in the above photo (perhaps they're related?)


Written by: Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Art Simek

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