Friday, February 29, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #17 "THE RETURN OF THE GREEN GOBLIN" (October, 1964)


Flash starts a Forest Hills chapter of a Spider-Man Fan Club! Betty wants Peter to go with her, Liz Allan wants Peter to go with her, and Aunt May has set up another date with "Mary-Jane" for our poor hero. Of course since Pete has to appear at the club meeting as Spider-Man, they'll all have to wait.
The Green Goblin also notices the club meeting and decides to pay a visit. He's armed with new and more dangerous weapons! Spidey is in the process of saving the day when he overhears that Aunt May has had another heart attack. He races off to her side, causing everyone gathered to think that he's a coward. Fortunately the Human Torch is there to drive away the Goblin.

  • The Goblin is now riding on a true Goblin opposed to the Goblin Broomstick that he sported in his last appearance
  • While Pumpkin Bombs do appear, they are simply part of a larger bag of tricks and not an essential part of his arsenal


Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: S. Rosen

Amazing Spider-Man #16 "DUEL WITH DAREDEVIL" (September, 1964)


Spider-Man saves a blind man from some hoodlums little realizing that the seemingly ordinary Matt Murdock is really Daredevil! Later, Peter sees a sign advertising a circus featuring Spider-Man! He doesn't know that the circus is really a front for criminal deeds and decides to show up as Spider-Man. (It is unclear why he buys a ticket, considering he's not actually going to be attending as a patron...)
At the circus itself, the Ringmaster hypnotizes the entire crowd including Spider-Man in order to rob them blind. Daredevil, naturally is unaffected by this trick (he's also at the circus) and tries to interfere, so the Ringmaster sets Spidey on DD. They fight, DD manages to break the trance and all is well.

  • Spidey meets Daredevil for the first time


Written by: Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: S. Rosen

Amazing Spider-Man #15 "KRAVEN THE HUNTER" (August, 1964)


Kraven the Hunter is eager to tackle Spider-Man, hoping he'll prove a worthy foe. Despite having been deported, the Chameleon seems to be back in the country and helping Kraven. Who's the girl Aunt May wants to set up Peter on a date with? Aw, who cares!

  • You should care! That girl is Mrs. Anna Watson's niece...
  • First appearance of Kraven the Hunter
  • Liz Allan's name is AGAIN misspelled as "Liz Allen"


Written by: Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Art Simek

Amazing Spider-Man #14 "THE GROTESQUE ADVENTURE OF the GREEN GOBLIN" (July, 1964)


In a case of art imitating art....Spider-Man is going to star in a movie! That's right, in 1964 the plot of putting Spider-Man in a major motion picture had already happened. Unfortunately for our Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, the Green Goblin and the Enforcers are set to guest star! While fighting them off, Spider-Man runs fist-first into The Incredible Hulk! Ultimately, nothing changes and Spidey's movie never gets made.

  • First appearance of The Green Goblin but his secret identity is still a secret, both to the public and us, the readers
  • Montana claims that "The Enforcers don't take orders from anyone!" Yet the last time we saw them, they were taking orders from The Big Man
  • Spider-Man reveals two heretofore unknown abilities: he can hold his breath for twice as long as a regular person, and the one mentioned in the above photo (perhaps they're related?)


Written by: Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Art Simek

Amazing Spider-Man #13 "THE MENACE OF MYSTERIO!" (June, 1964)


Someone is committing crimes as Spider-Man! Pete thinks he's cracking up and visits a psychiatrist. He quickly realizes that he can't undergo therapy without compromising his secret identity. A menacing figure who calls himself Mysterio promises that he can bring Spider-Man's reign of terror to an end. Mysterio beats Spidey the first time they tangle but the second time makes the mistake of revealing his entire back-story and arsenal while he thinks Spider-Man is beaten. Also, Betty begins to be jealous of Liz Allan in this issue.

  • First appearance of Mysterio
  • Mysterio will pretend to be a psychiatrist in a future issue to trick Spider-Man into revealing his identity


Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Art Simek

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #12 "UNMASKED BY DR. OCTOPUS" (May, 1964)

What's this?! Dr. Octopus has taken Betty hostage, and Peter feels the beginnings of a virus coming on! Pete is quickly bested and unmasked by Doc Ock. Fortunately for our intrepid hero, everyone thinks that Peter was just pretending to be Spider-Man to save Betty. 24 hours later, the virus wears off, and his strength returns! After an inane interlude involving wild animals, Spidey and Octopus tangle again, leaving Spider-Man the triumphant victor. Liz Allan also develops feelings for Peter in this issue.



Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Art Simek

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #11 "THE TURNING POINT" (April, 1964)


Dr. Octopus is released from jail! Is that Betty Brant driving him to Philly?! We find out Betty's terrible secret: her brother has gambling debts and she's trying to help him pay them off. Betty blames Spider-Man for the death of her brother. Poor Peter, nothing ever seems to go his way!

  • First usage of the Spider-Tracer

Written by: Stan Lee
Drawn by: Steve Ditko
Lettered: S. Rosen

Amazing Spider-Man #10 "THE ENFORCERS" (March, 1964)


Who is "The Big Man" who's taken over the crime-rackets? Will the combined might of The Enforcers be able to stop Spidey? Surely Peter giving his aunt a blood transfusion can have no negative repercussions, right? How has Betty Brant gotten mixed up with loan sharks? At last will we find out why Jonah hates Spider-Man? Not to mention Frederick Foswell!

  • First appearance of The Enforcers
  • First appearance of Frederick Foswell
  • First usage of the nick-named Bull-Pen

Written by: Smiling Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Swinging Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Sparkling Sam Rosen

Friday, February 22, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #9 "THE MAN CALLED ELECTRO" (February, 1964)


Aunt May is terribly sick and she needs an operation, naturally this means it's time for a new villain to appear and make matters worse. Electro is his name and electricity is the thing of which is he a master! To top it all off, Jameson accuses Electro of being Spider-Man in disguise! How will the web-swinger get out of this mess? (Hint: it involves a fire hose) Keep an eye on Betty Brant, because she and Peter finally admit their feelings for each other!

  • Electro's first appearance


Written by: Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Art Simek

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #8 "THE TERRIBLE THREAT OF THE LIVING BRAIN" (January, 1964)

Flash Thompson breaks Peter's glasses and that turns out to be the final straw. They agree to have a boxing match to settle their differences. Before they match can finish though, The Living Brain goes beserk and terrorizes the school! Will Spider-Man be able to stop it in time? What of the criminals who loosed it upon the helpless students? Will Flash Thompson ever leave Peter alone? All this PLUS a bonus story of no importance!

  • Peter never wears glasses again after this issue, not even Aunt May seems to notice or mind


Written by: Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Art Simek

Amazing Spider-Man #7 "THE RETURN OF THE VULTURE!" (December, 1963)


The Vulture is back and Spidey's "anti-magnetic inverter" doesn't effect him anymore! Their first encounter leaves Spider-Man in a sling, will he really be able to defeat Vulchy with just one arm? Yes, yes he will. It sure seems like Betty Brant and Peter are on the cusp of a hot steamy romance!

  • The dialogue I've quoted above is one of my favorite gems from Stan. Enjoy it.


Written by: Stan Lee
Illustrated by: Steve Ditko
Lettered by: Art Simek

Monday, February 18, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #6 "FACE TO FACE WITH...THE LIZARD!" (November, 1963)


Peter goes to florida with JJJ to tackle the mysterious monster only known as The Lizard. What is the terrifying secret of this creature? Where does the Connors family fit in?

  • First appearance of The Lizard, Curt Connors, Martha Connors and Billy Connors
  • The Lizard claims to have the abilities of 3000 different types of lizards
  • Liz Allan's name is misspelled as "Liz Allen"


Written by - Stan Lee
Drawn by - Steve Ditko
Lettered by - Art Simek

Amazing Spider-Man #5 "MARKED FOR DESTRUCTION BY DR. DOOM!!" (October, 1963)


Spidey is summoned by Dr. Doom for assistance in destroyed the FF. Naturally the web-slinger turns him down. Later, Flash Thompson dresses as Spidey for a gag on Peter, and gets kidnapped by Doom! Webhead swings into action and defeats Doc Doom just before the FF arrive to clean up the mess.

  • The beginning of Betty Brant's affection for Peter

Written by... Stan Lee
Drawn by...   Steve Ditko
Lettering...   S. Rosen

Amazing Spider-Man #4 "NOTHING CAN STOP...THE SANDMAN!" (September, 1963)


Spidey battles The Sandman! 

  • First appearance of The Sandman
  • First appearance of Betty Brant
  • Liz Allan finally is identified as such


by Stan Lee & Steve Ditko

Amazing Spider-Man #2 "versus DOCTOR OCTOPUS!" (July, 1963)


Spidey tangles with a new foe, Otto Octavius, known to the world as Dr. Octopus! Along the way, he gets some sound advice from the Human Torch.

  • First appearance of Dr. Octopus
  • First appearance of the Spider Signal
  • First meeting of the Torch and Spidey

Story by  Stan Lee
Art by      Steve Ditko
Letterer: John Duffy

Amazing Spider-Man #2 "the UNCANNY THREAT of THE TERRIBLE TINKERER" (May, 1963) part 2


Peter assists a professor after school and ends up tangling with The Terrible Tinkerer! It turns out at the end that ol' Tink was just an alien planning an invasion.

  • Flash Thompson is finally mentioned by name
  • First appearance of The Terrible Tinkerer
  • First usage of the "half Peter/half Spider-Man" concept


Story -       Stan Lee
Art -           Steve Ditko
Lettering - Artie Simek

Amazing Spider-Man #2 "DUEL TO THE DEATH WITH The VULTURE!" (May, 1963)


The Vulture is menacing the city, and it's up to Spider-Man to put him down! Peter also decides to start selling photos of his adventures to sensational tabloid publisher J. Jonah Jameson.

  • Despite the Daily Bugle having been mentioned in the previous issue, Jameson's biggest publication seems to be "NOW Magazine" 
  • First appearance of The Vulture
  • Peter comes up with his version of the utility belt for spare web fluid
  • Pete begins selling his pix to JJJ
  • The Vulture is jailed but still allowed to wear his costume...


Script -       Stan Lee
Art -           Steve Ditko
Lettering - John Duffy

Amazing Spider-Man #1 "vs. THE CHAMELEON" (March, 1963) part 2


This is the second half of the two-part first issue. Spidey tries to join the FF, only to find out that they're a non-profit organization. He then faces off against The Chameleon, a communist spy!

  • Introduction of The Chameleon
  • First appearance of spider-sense, and the associated tingle
  • For some reason, our intrepid hero is referred to as Peter Palmer
  • Stan and Co, have finally nailed down the all-important hyphen in Spider-Man, both on title pages and in text

Script -      Stan Lee
Art -           Steve Ditko
Lettering - John Duffi

Amazing Spider-Man #1 (March, 1963)


Spidey deals with the backlash from J. Jonah Jameson's scathing editorials. John Jameson, the famous astronaut, and also JJJ's son, almost crashes on his return from space. Spidey ends up saving John's life but that does nothing to stop JJJ's crusade to destroy Spider-Man.

  • Introduction of both J. Jonah, and his son John
  • While the hyphen has made it onto the title page, he's still referred to as Spiderman

Script -      Stan Lee
Art -           Steve Ditko
Lettering - Johnny Dee

Amazing Fantasy #15 (August, 1962)


Here's where it all began.  I probably don't have to sum this one up, but I will.

Peter Parker is the school wallflower. When he's bitten by an irradiated spider at a "Science Exhibit" he gains the proportionate strength and speed of a spider! He becomes a masked sensation on television, and shows off his abilities. 

When his uncle Ben is killed, Peter races to the abandoned warehouse to nab the killer. It is then that he learns that his uncle's killer was the same man he chose not to stop earlier in the issue.

We close with a lesson from Stan-the-Man: With Great Power, There Must Also Come Great Responsibility.

  • Flash Thompson and Liz Allen appear, but are not named
  • Peter's pupils can be seen through his mask on pg. 11 
  • He is referred to as Spiderman or even The Spiderman, but never Spider-Man
  • The reader is directed to the "next issue" of Amazing Fantasy, but that wouldn't be published for another 33 years

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko