Friday, March 19, 2010

Amazing Spider-Man #71 "THE SPEEDSTER AND THE SPIDER" (April, 1969)


Pete's still moping about his tragic life, compounded by the fact that he can't get rid of the priceless tablet without people knowing that he's Spider-Man.

If only Quicksilver were here to complicate things. In typical Cross-Over fashion, one hero jumps to hasty conclusions about another and Twinkletoes sets his sights on apprehending Spider-Man.

Robbie publishes Pete's pix which generally tie up all the loose plot ends: (Kingpin bad, protesters, good, Spidey innocent).

Lastly Spider-Man convinces Quickie (the wall-crawler totally calls him that once, let's hope it catches on) that's he's a good guy.


  • Take a look at that picture. We're talking about Quicksilver here! A guy who was just running so fast, that he created a vortex around Spider-Man. Now we've seen Pete bruise his arm so badly that he needs a sling, so we know it can be done. You're telling me that this isn't going to be worse than falling awkwardly off a building? I'm not buying.


Smilin' Stan Lee, Author

Jazzy Johnny Romita, Innovator

Jim (Mad-Man) Mooney, Illustrator

Lettered By- Sam Rosen

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