Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #66 "THE MADNESS OF MYSTERIO!" (November, 1968)


Mysterio opens this issue soliloquizing about how he plans to defeat Spider-Man. Sigh...they never learn. 

Gwen makes up with Peter having learned the truth about what happened in the previous issue. Hooray!

Joe Robertson and Captain Stacy begin their get-togethers to discuss Spider-Man. I'm guessing that Stan Lee's father smoked a pipe. Both of these "father figure" characters do.

Norman Osborn has reverted back to the Green Goblin, but he still hasn't regained the memory that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

When Spidey tracks down Mysterio, he gets zapped by Mysterio's new weapon. Spidey regains his sense in time to discover that he's only 6 inches tall!!



Stan (The Man) Lee and Johnny (Ring-A-Ding) Romita
Amazinlgy Abetted by: Dazzlin' Don Heck + Slick Mick Demeo
Lovingly Lettered by: Adorable A. Simek
Special Effects by: I. Fearless Forbush

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