Friday, May 9, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man Annual #5 "THE PARENTS OF PETER PARKER!" (1968)


Well here's an issue that eventually became the subject of much ret-conning. Let's see how it plays out.

Believe it or not, our story opens in Algeria. Spider-Man is ambushed by a bunch of Algerian hoods and one of them manages to wing him? Head-injury means flashback time...

Peter remembers how we opened a trunk of Aunt May's in the attic. He found newspaper clippings reporting his parents death as traitors to America. Naturally, this means he has to go to Algeria to found out the truth for himself. 

Which brings us back to where we started...

After getting the address of  his parents "boss" Spider-Man races there only to find, the RED SKULL?!?!

Spidey beats up a henchman of the Skull's, but not before finding damning evidence against his father: an identification card in the Red Skull's spy organization.

As a broken-hearted Spider-Man prepares to leave Algeria, a man known as "the Finisher" comes after him on the Skull's orders. The Finisher is hit by his own missile intended for our hero and as he dies tells Spider-Man the truth about Richard Parker.

Spider-Man goes back to the Red Skull and acquires the proof that he needed, an ID card for Richard Parker showing him to be a double agent working for the US Government.

  • If Richard and Mary were working for the US Government, then how come they weren't cleared after their deaths by the Government itself? 
  • Even if May and Ben decided never to tell Peter about his parents...I found it ludicrously unlikely that no one else did. The Parkers are an obvious parallel to the Rosenbergs and their children were stigmatized throughout their entire lives. Peter's last name wasn't changed, nor did they move him to a different city. There's simply no way that he could've made it to 20 without finding out that his parents were traitors.


Phantasmagorically produced by: Smilin' Stan Lee and Larrupin' Larry Lieber

Embellished by: Mickey Demeo

Lettered by: Artie Simek

Chaotic Consultant: Jazzzy Johnny Romita

Amazing Spider-Man #67 "TO SQUASH A SPIDER!" (December, 1968)


Spider-Man fights for his now 6-inch life as Mysterio torments and antagonizes him. Fortunately he realizes just in time was all just post-hypnotic suggestion. Hooray!

  • Jim Mooney is an awesome inker
  • Introduction of Randy Robertson


Stan Lee and Johnny Romita
Jim (Madman) Mooney
Artie Simek

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #66 "THE MADNESS OF MYSTERIO!" (November, 1968)


Mysterio opens this issue soliloquizing about how he plans to defeat Spider-Man. Sigh...they never learn. 

Gwen makes up with Peter having learned the truth about what happened in the previous issue. Hooray!

Joe Robertson and Captain Stacy begin their get-togethers to discuss Spider-Man. I'm guessing that Stan Lee's father smoked a pipe. Both of these "father figure" characters do.

Norman Osborn has reverted back to the Green Goblin, but he still hasn't regained the memory that Peter Parker is Spider-Man.

When Spidey tracks down Mysterio, he gets zapped by Mysterio's new weapon. Spidey regains his sense in time to discover that he's only 6 inches tall!!



Stan (The Man) Lee and Johnny (Ring-A-Ding) Romita
Amazinlgy Abetted by: Dazzlin' Don Heck + Slick Mick Demeo
Lovingly Lettered by: Adorable A. Simek
Special Effects by: I. Fearless Forbush

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Amazing Spider-Man #65 "ESCAPE IMPOSSIBLE" (October, 1968)


Well, they don't unmask him. Captain Stacy holds back the crazed mob like the badass he is. Unfortunately, for his troubles, the good Captain is taken hostage by some criminals who want to break out of jail. Spidey foils the plan and George testifies on his behalf much to JJJ's annoyance.



Stan Lee & John Romita
Jim Mooney
Artie Simek

Amazing Spider-Man #64 "THE VULTURE'S PREY" (September, 1968)


Essentially nothing happens in this issue. Spidey beats the Vulture even with his wounded arm. Oh sure, along the way Mary-Jane gets a haircut and JJJ and Robbie are threatened, but that's just fluff. The issue closes with Spider-Man passing out and the crowd around him moving in...

  • Captain Stacy finally regains his memory and tells Gwen that Peter didn't try to hurt him


Stan Lee & John Romita
Donnie Heck
Mickey Demeo
Artie Simek